Why is this election happening?

Former Assembly Member Robert Rodriguez resigned from this seat after he was nominated to become New York’s Secretary of State by Governor Kathy Hochul. This special election will fill his Assembly seat.

What does the State Assembly do?

The State Assembly is the lower chamber of the State Legislature. There are 150 members. Assembly members write and vote on legislation, approve state budgets, and uphold or override the Governors’ vetoes.

Learn more about the State Assembly

Which neighborhoods are in this district?

Assembly District 68 includes East Harlem and Randall’s Island. It also includes small parts of Central Harlem and the Upper East Side.

Find your State Assembly district

Кандидаты в бюллетене

  • Edward Gibbs | Democratic
  • Daby Benjaminé Carreras | Republican
Найти свой избирательный участок

Найти свой избирательный участок

Visit the Board of Elections website to find your polling place!

Найти свой избирательный участок

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